New chapters: the best advice for young people

As summer holidays end, new terms and working lives begin, many young citizens are starting new chapters in their lives.
Anna Tickle and Research & Campaigns Team
Whether you’re moving on to college or university, starting a new job or an apprenticeship, it’s a big transitional period time of change and challenge. There’s a lot to learn and it’s easy to make mistakes.
For instance, those moving into student halls or private rented accommodation for the first time face new rights and responsibilities. Young people getting their first pay slip may not fully understand the details or know how to challenge it if there is a problem.
This summer Citizens Advice is running a strong social media campaign about the best advice for young people available online. In addition to essential information from Citizens Advice it has links to other sites and blogs that are trusted and accessible.
Some of our ‘new chapters’
- Moving into new accommodation
- If you’re going to university
- If you’re not going to university
- If you’re worried about exam results
- Work Issues: pay slips, employment contracts, holiday entitlement.
Understanding things like this can be confusing and overwhelming especially if you’re not sure how to get help. Knowing where to turn is crucial.

At CAEE we’re reaching out to young people, both online and in person. Here is a summary of the kind of things we’re talking about. Scroll for more details.
Six new chapters uncovered
Got the grades and going to university.
Citizens Advice on all the hot topics.
Didn’t get the grades or don’t think it’s right for you.
There are so many options. Check out some of them here: Not Going To Uni
Adult life?
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with so much new. Here’s our guide to successful ‘adulting’ (terrible word but you know what we mean!)

Moving into a new student house
Bedding, notebooks, teabags…make sure you don’t forget anything, read our comprehensive blog.
Starting an apprenticeship
You’re now an employee with a contract of employment so it’s vital to know your rights: we can help.
Everything to do with exams results
Before results day, after, what next? Help for young minds here.