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Immediate help for poorest…economics…and a reminder.

The Citizens Advice post-election national Data Insights webinar* confirmed that millions still can’t afford life’s essentials or are ‘living on empty’. The dominant issue was whether immediate help for the poorest was feasible with much discussion of the two-child benefit cap.

As always on these occasions our public affairs colleagues produced convincing evidence for providing immediate help. Read more.

First Hundred Days

However a trio of respected (and supportive) policy experts invited to discuss Labour’s First Hundred Days* thought this was unlikely.

One, Sam Freedman, Institute for Government, suggested the best chance might be to add ‘hard-headed economics’ to the case. He proposed: ‘Immediate help for the poorest could ease pressure on struggling health, education and justice services’.

In recent years many more CA clients have been lower-income households urgently needing cost-of-living support. This has rightly led our campaigning and will continue to do so.

A reminder

But perhaps the policy experts reminded us that we, like the government, are here for everyone and poor policy and practice affect the whole of society.

* Labour’s First Hundred Days, Data Insights, Citizens Advice, 16/07/24. Watch back here.
NOTE. Next Data Insights event: Labour’s Budget, A Living Standards Turning Point?, Citizens Advice, 19/09/24. Register here.

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