Cost of living problems – why independent advice is so important
Requests to Citizens Advice for help with the cost of living have risen rapidly in recent months.
Not so surprising with what’s happening to bills and inflation. A lot of people have heard of us and know our service is confidential and completely free.
Not so many know that Citizens Advice is also completely independent.
This is an essential part of what we do and who we are. Anyone who asks for help in person can be sure we have no interest beyond helping them find a way forward. Anyone reading advice online can be sure we have no other aim than to be accurate and reliable.
In times like these we think this really matters.
Our online help with the cost of living* shows why. It has detailed information about government, councils, utilities, charities and more. It deals with benefits, grants, mental health and more.
People should be able to trust that when they ask for advice about these kinds of things it will be free of all external political, religious, moral or social interests. They can.
* Get help with the cost of living, Citizens Advice, 22/06/22