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Cost of living crisis – Citizens Advice steps up

Whether you get your news from broadcasters, newspapers or social media, there’s no escaping anxiety about the cost of living.

Nationwide local Citizens Advice are helping more and more households with serious money problems. As prices rise, a range of issues is hitting families hard – energy bills, benefits, problem debt, disability, a long-term health condition.

Many come to us in crisis needing a food voucher or other charitable help.

The scope and scale of its work with clients means Citizens Advice has arguably the best near real-time data about the nation’s troubles. Policymakers and service providers already take serious account of our research.

Citizens Advice
Epsom & Ewell. Key
Issues Year to 30/06/22.

Now our central office has launched an interactive dashboard which shows the unfolding cost-of-living crisis. Clear data and short commentaries will make monthly updates accessible to many more users*.

At local level too we will be able to provide a better picture. For example, a big rise in energy issues in June is obvious in our CAEE ‘Five key cost of living issues chart’ (PDF here).

* Winter crisis in summer: Citizens Advice reveals latest insights as cost-of-living pressures pile on, Citizens Advice, 28/07/22

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